Advent 2021: Why Jesus?


Christianity is Unique

Christianity isn’t centered on a set of instructions or moral codes but rather on a person. His name is Jesus, and the claim of Christians is that he isn’t just a moral teacher but the epicenter of history and the Savior of the world. Unlike other religions, in which teachings hold primary importance while the founder(s) or key figure(s) play a secondary role, the Christian faith rises or falls on this one individual.

Advent 2021

At North Sub, we’re taking time this Advent to ask the question: Why Jesus? In other words, what qualifies Jesus to be the Savior of the world? And with so many religious options available to us, why is Jesus the one we should turn to?

The big question (“Why Jesus?”) requires the addressing of several smaller questions, and our plan this Advent is to take on one of those questions each week. We’ll ask questions like:

- Why a human savior? If we can do our work remotely, why couldn’t God?

- Why a divine savior? Couldn’t a perfect (but non-divine) human have done the trick?

- Why a lowly savior? Why would the most important figure in history come from nothing?

- Why a royal savior? Why are the gospels so insistent on talking about this man who never held office as though he’s a king from David’s line?

By Christmas we will have made a case for why Jesus is uniquely qualified to be the Savior of the world.

What to Expect

We want you to feel comfortable bringing friends, including friends who are unchurched. As such:

- Our services will be shorter (~65 minutes).

- We will sing familiar Christmas carols.

- The sermons will seek to address the questions of those of us who tend toward skepticism about Jesus.

Whether we realize it or not, we’re all searching for something. Join us starting November 28th as we share why we think Jesus is the one you’ve been searching for.